New GPR purchased

New Mala GPR equipment

We have invested in new ground probing radar equipment that can penetrate the subsoil down to 5m. It has a large and consistent bandwidth which increases the chances of getting through traditionally difficult conditions such as reinforced concrete. It is portable and can be taken onto almost any site, and can cope with rougher terrain. The display is visible even in the brightest sunlight, which makes it a very adaptable and flexible piece of equipment to use. In addition to the hardware we have invested in post-processing software which allows us to harvest site data for inspection in a controlled office environment, and create a more comprehensive dataset for onward presentation.

A recent project was to determine the location of a second world war air raid shelter. Using grid intersects at 0.5m centres, we were able to determine the location of the network of tunnels and as a bonus to assess the structure of the tunnel soffit. Output was overlaid on a standard CAD topographic survey model. As a consequence, the client has been able to make informed decisions about how to proceed on site ahead of site start, and has benefited from a significantly reduced health and safety risk and a robust design for the transport and location of site cabins.